Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Annual Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy

It is very interesting to see that the last four and the current "Annual Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy" are all about Plato:

13th Annual Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - Plato's "Republic" (2008)
12th Annual Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - Plato and Socrates on the Nature and Teaching of Virtue (2007)
11th Annual Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - Plato on Poetry, Rhetoric, and Therapy. (2006)
10th Annual Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - The Socratic Legacy (2005)
9th Annual Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - Plato on Method and Plato's Methods (2004)

I am very curious to find out the reason for such orientation. Are they engaged in a long-term project on Plato's work? If you do have information about this issue, please share it with us using the comments section.

The Thirteenth Annual Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Plato's Republic

The Thirteenth Annual Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Plato's Republic
February 15-17, 2008
University of Arizona, Tucson

This coming year the Arizona Colloquium will focus on one text: Plato's Republic. Speakers will include Julia Annas, Rachana Kamtekar, Malcolm Schofield, Hugh Benson, James Lesher, Constance Meinwald, Carl Huffman, Zena Hitz, Nicholas Smith, Rachel Singpurwalla, Jessica Moss, C.D.C. Reeve, Jonathan Lear, Mark McPherran, Michael Morgan, and Rachel Barney.

Url: http://phil. web.arizona. edu/events/ ancientphilo. htm

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Kant Studies

Gallica (Bibliotheque National de France) contains one important tool for Kant scholars:

Atelierele de Etica Aplicata > 2007-2008

In cadrul intalnirii din data de 19 oct., s-a stabilit urmatorul program pentru perioada noiembrie 2007 - ianuarie 2008. Programul poate suferi modificari si din acest motiv va invitam sa vizitati site-ul Atelierelor in mod regulat. In plus, pe site-ul respectiv veti putea gasi materialele care urmeaza sa fie discutate.

2 noiembrie, Metoda cazuisticii: Toulmin (Prof. Valentin Muresan)
16 noiembrie, Gert
30 noiembrie, Gert
14 decembrie, Comitetele de etica (Drd. Cristian Ducu)
ianuarie, Etica crestina ca etica aplicata
ianuarie, Etica crestina ca etica aplicata


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Diogenes Soft

"Diogenes is a tool for searching and browsing the databases of ancient texts, primarily in Latin and Greek, that are published by the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae and the Packard Humanities Institute."


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Atelierele de Etica Aplicata

Centrul de Cercetare in Etica Aplicata (CCEA) al Facultatii de Filosofie din cadrul Universitatii din Bucuresti isi reia activitatea incepand cu data de 19 octombrie 2007, orele 17.00. Intalnirile se vor organiza la fiecare doua saptamani si vor consta fie in dezbateri pe marginea unei teme sau text anuntate, fie in conferinte sustinute de membrii Centrului sau de invitati din tara si din strainatate. In anul universitar anterior, Atelierele au gazduit prelegeri sustinute de Dr. Jean-Pierre Clero (Université de Rouen), Dr. Hans Klaus Keul (Universität Ulm, Koln) si Dr. Timo Airaksinen (Universitea din Helsinki).

Scopul primei intalnire, cea programata pentru 19 octombrie, este unul organizatoric. Propuneri de teme de studiu ori cercetare, de proiecte de cercetare, propuneri de prelegeri personale ori invitati din tara sau strainatate sunt binevenite.

Pentru mai multe detalii, puteti vizita site-ul Atelierelor la adresa:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Zeta Books

Zeta Books este o noua editura care si-a facut aparitia pe piata editoriala din Romania. Momentul este la fel de bun ca oricare altul, numai ca amplitudinea pe care o doresc fondatorii face sa apara ca avem de-a face cu o intreprindere sisifica. Intr-o perioada in care editurile traditionale din spatiul nostru cultural isi ocupa cea mai mare parte a timpului cu reeditarile, Zeta Books propune o deschidere editoriala nu doar inspre titlurile romanesti, ci mai ales inspre cele cu audienta internationala. Multa bafta!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ethics & Compliance Officer Training Program

SMART SOLUTIONS & SUPPORT, Romania, has launched the first professional training program for Ethics and Compliance officers. The program is unique and exclusive for Europe and the global market. It includes three modules: Ethics & Compliance Officer; Ethics & Compliance Audit Techniques; and Ethical Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution. At the end of the three modules, participants will receive and international certification developed by the company and its partners.

More details can be obtained at:

Internet, Research Resources, and Scientific Community

It is an obvious fact that Internet has increased in size exponentially over the last 10 years. Today, more and more people read daily news via RSS or classical websites; more and more people use Internet to find basic and scientific information about anything from any period of time; and more and more people use it to communicate. So, in this context, the fact that Internet has been also transformed into a huge research resources repository is not a news anymore. The Vatican Curia kept itself connected to the latest technologies and developed its own web platforms in order to inform about its activities, help missionaries in their efforts and let the believers be in constant contact with what the Christian Catholic "headquarters". But it also gives access to researcher to its huge libraries and helps young scholars specialize in historical sciences (archaeology, diplomatics, paleography, and so on).

Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum is one of the major virtual spaces that contains a lot of information about medieval manuscripts and the science of paleography. The website is like a library without walls: all the information is there, the shelves are there, the catalogues as well, but there is free and unrestricted access to its funds. Unfortunately, something are still only in print and you need to buy them directly. Otherwise, ASAV is one great site to use it for study, research or teaching.

Schøyen Collection held by Martin Schøyen contains "720 manuscripts spanning over 5000 years". The purpose of the Schøyen webplatform is to preserve the written treasures. Many manuscripts are digitized and published there (fragments), but the idea was not to be a library. Instead of a library, we get a chest full of gold bars.

Another web media that becomes more used by the Internauts is the blog.
PECIA: Le manuscrit médiéval is one example. It contains news, comments and scientific information about the world of medieval manuscripts. The blog is kept by a bunch of scholars that also host the PECIA website.

In my opinion, all three examples represent three good arguments for the idea that Internet is changing its nature from functioning as an unreliable source to a scientific community with open access research resources available wherever you are. The only problem we have with this huge information flow is that we are not able to follow it, to get down its strings and be confident that what it is said is true. I think in the near future several major problems will alarm researchers and make them feel uncomfortable about the information flow. One of these problem will concern exactly the authority of the source. Now, we are still living the excitement over the benefits of Internet, which are, by the way, real benefits.