Valentin Muresan, Cristian Ducu (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference “John Stuart Mill. 1806-2006”, University of Bucharest, November 3-4, 2006; University of Bucharest Press, Bucharest, 2007, 315 pp. ISBN: 978-973-737-412-7. This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the “John Stuart Mill. 1806-2006” International Conference held at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, between 3-4 November 2008. An electronic version will be available on-line at the end of January 2008.
Editors’ Note
J.R. Lucas, Can the Theory of Games Save Mill’s “Utilitarianism”?
Christopher Kirwan, The Shape of Mill’s Proof in Chapter 4 of “Utilitarianism”
Valentin Muresan, A Sympathetic Approach to Mill’s ‘Proof’
John Skorupski, Liberalism as Free Thought
Rob Devigne, J.S. Mill and the Politics of Liberty and Wisdom
George Schedler, A Conflict in “On Liberty”
Adrian-Paul Iliescu, J.S. Mill’s Views on Democracy: Are They Still Valid?
Cristian Ducu, J.S. Mill’s Arguments for Non-Intervention
Eldon Eisenach, Migrations of ‘Spirit’ in Mill’s Theory of History
Peter Cave, Sex Objects: Subjections, Objections and Fictions – all Grist to his Mill
Dimitris Sotiropoulos, J.S. Mill in the History of Economic Thought: should he be regarded as a neoclassical economist?
Dragan Stoianovici, On Mill’s Philosophy of the Syllogism
Sorin Costreie, Proper Names: Mill, Russell and Frege
About Contributors