Monday, September 29, 2008

CONF: Neo-Platonism and Its Legacy

Call for Abstracts
April 24th and 25th 2009
Keynote Speakers
John Dillon, Trinity College Dublin
Stephen Gersh, University of Notre Dame
Wayne Hankey, Dalhousie University

The MA Philosophy Program at Franciscan University of Steubenville invites all scholars
working in the area of Neo-Platonism to submit abstracts on any topic relevant to the
theme of the conference. This includes especially the Medieval, or Renaissance periods,
but can be the Modern or Contemporary periods as well. Graduate students are welcome
to submit proposals. Abstracts should not exceed one page and must be received by email
or hard copy by March 24th 2009. Finished papers should not exceed 25 minutes reading
time. Proceedings of the conference will be published in Fides Quaerens Intellectum.
Conference and meal fees, including lunches, dinner and closing banquet are waived for
all those presenting papers. Submissions should be sent to:
Dr. Mark Roberts
Director, MA Philosophy Program
Franciscan University of Steubenville
1235 University Blvd.
Steubenville, OH 43952

CONF: Teleology in the Ancient World. The Dispensation of Nature

Venue: The University of Exeter, 8-11 July 2009

Organisers: Dr. Julius Rocca and Prof. Christopher Gill

An international conference which will discuss the ways teleological arguments were used in medicine and philosophy in antiquity, and how these arguments have continued to inform and influence current debate on evolution, creationism, and intelligent design. As well as examining philosophical contributions to the subject, ranging from Platonism to Stoicism, a special aim of the conference is to show how ancient medical thinking on this topic relates to ancient philosophical ideas. Examining teleological methodologies in ancient medical thought from Hippocrates to Galen will offer a critical evaluation on the place of teleology within medical science, its cultural contexts, its account of human development, and teleological responses to competing explanatory theories of human structure and function.

Keynote speaker Professor David Sedley, University of Cambridge, “Socrates’ place in the history of teleology.”

Other speakers include: Elizabeth Craik, University of St. Andrews; John Dillon, Trinity College, Dublin; Rebecca Flemming, University of Cambridge; R. J. Hankinson, The University of Texas at Austin; M.R. Johnson, University of California, San Diego; Mariska Leunissen, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri; Jan Opsomer, University of Cologne; Mark Schiefsky, Harvard University; Samuel Scolnicov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; R.W. Sharples, University College London; Harold Tarrant, University of Newcastle, Australia; Philip van der Eijk, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

For further information, including accommodation and conference booking, please contact:

Dr Julius Rocca or Professor Chris Gill,

Department of Classics and Ancient History,

University of Exeter,

Amory Building,

Rennes Drive,

Exeter, EX4 4RJ,


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bookfest 2008: Recomandarile mele

Pentru cei care vor trece pe la Bookfest '08, am pregatit o scurta lista de recomandari. Sunt sigur ca in felul acesta veti putea sa va descurcati mai bine in masa de maculatura care va fi aruncata in joc in editia de anul acesta (la fel ca si in precedentele).

Joi, 5 iunie 2008
___15.00. __ Editura Herald: Sf. Maxim Marturisitorul, Capete gnostice (Despre teologie si despre iconomia intruparii Fiului lui Dumnezeu); Trad. & ed. Walther Prager, 2008.
___17.00. __ Editura Paideia: Anton Toth, Simon Magul in literatura crestina a primelor patru secole (2006) si Filosofie si gandire religioasa in secolul II d.Hr. (2008).
Vineri, 6 iunie 2008
___16.00.__ Editura Paralela 45: Richard Rorty & Gianni Vattimo, Religiile viitorului (2008). Invitati: Mircea Flonta, Mircea Dumitru.
Duminica, 8 iunie 2008
___15.00. __ Editura Humanitas: Alexandru Dragomir, Seminte (2008).

(alaturi de cele mentionate mai sus)
__ECO, Umberto -- Poeticile lui Joyce; Tr. Cornel Mihai Ionescu, Edit. Paralela 45, Bucuresti, 2008.
__NAILS, Debra -- Oamenii lui Platon. O prosopografie a lui Platon si a altor socratici; Tr. C.O. Tabarcea, Edit. Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2008.
__HEIDEGGER, Martin -- Ontologie. Hermeneutica facticitatii; Tr. Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Edit. Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2008.
__TOMA d'AQUINO -- Despre fiind si esenta; Tr. Eugen Munteanu, Edit. Polirom, Iasi, 2008 (ed. II-a).
"Chora. Revues d'Etudes anciennes et medievales", vol. 5, 2007.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Map of Happiness

My PhD thesis is about Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas' concept of happiness, but I never thought of how people see themselves. Probably, because I was more interested in the theoretical approach. And not until I found a strange website called "The Map of Happiness" --

Colloque international, Université de Nancy 2: "Expertus sum : l’expérience par les sens en philosophie naturelle médiévale"

Date et lieu

Du jeudi 5 février 2009 à 9h00 au samedi 7 février à 13h, à l’Université Nancy 2, Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 3 place Godefroid de Bouillon, 54000 Nancy, France.

Organisation et Contacts


La thématique de l’expérience sera abordée sous les aspects de la théorie de la connaissance, des liens entre experientia et auctoritas, de la formulation de l’expérience dans les textes et du genre littéraire consacré à l’expérience. On envisage d’examiner les questions suivantes :

Comment l’expérience par les sens est-elle considérée par les philosophi naturales par rapport à la rationalité ?

Importance de la transmission des connaissances dans l’évolution de la notion d’expérience.

Influence des textes traduits du grec, de l’arabe et de l’hébreu sur l’émergence de l’expérience et les mutations consécutives des classifications des sciences.

Parts respectives de l’auctoritas livresque et de l’expérience par les sens dans les ouvrages de philosophie naturelle. Signification des expressions expertus sum, cum expertum fuerit, experimentator, etc., dans les textes philosophiques (commentaires, compilations didactiques, questions disputées, etc.).

Théories de la forme spécifique, de la forme substantielle, des qualités naturelles, etc. : la philosophie de la nature face à l’expérience.

Naissance du genre des experimenta – leur place dans les domaines de la médecine, de la pharmacopée, de l’alchimie, de l’astrologie, de la physiognomonie et en général dans les sciences naturelles. Avec une attention particulière pour l’évolution des disciplines savantes suite à l’émergence de la magie.

Limites chronologiques et principe d’organisation

La période d’assimilation des connaissances qui accompagne ou succède à la traduction des textes greco- et arabo-latins (12e-14e s., avec prolongements éventuels), mais en tenant compte de la transmission des savoirs depuis l’Antiquité.

C’est la raison pour laquelle l’organisation du colloque prévoit non seulement l’intervention de médiévistes comme orateurs, mais aussi de spécialistes de l’Antiquité comme « discutants » pour chacune des « sessions » du colloque.

More details on Calenda

pipl - search people on the Internet

Today, while I was searching for various medievalists, I found a very useful tool for this kind of web search -- I was amazed by the results. Try looking for your own name :D

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Artemidorus Papyrus Conference

St. John's College, Oxford University, June 13th, 2008.

The one-day conference at St John's College, Oxford, aims to bring specialists on all aspects of the papyrus together. We are especially glad that colleagues from Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK and the USA have agreed to participate: While Prof Dr Luciano Canfora (Bari/Italy) has had to cancel due to other commitments, we shall hear Prof Dr Margarethe Billerbeck (Fribourg/CH), Prof Dr Bärbel Kramer (Trier/Germany), Dr Dirk Obbink (Oxford/UK), Prof Dr Peter Parsons (Oxford/UK), Nicholas Purcell FBA (Oxford UK), Prof Dr Richard Talbert (UNC Chapel Hill/USA) and Prof Dr Nigel Wilson (Oxford/UK).

The aim of the conference is to study the artefact, and its text, map, and images, as "gobbets" first (in a well-established Oxford tradition), thus contributing to a deeper understanding of what the papyrus presents, before discussing probabilities and authenticities.

Official website:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saint Anselm of Canterbury and His Legacy

"Saint Anselm of Canterbury and His Legacy", international conference to be held in 2009 at the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Durham.

Keynote speaker: Rev. Brian Davies, O.P.

Official website:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Virtues and the Formation of the Feminine Moral Subject: 1250-1550

As part of the 7th ANZAMEMS Conference to be held 2-6 December 2008 at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, we propose to hold a symposium, with several sessions, devoted to the construction of women as virtuous agents in texts written by and for them during the period 1250-1550 This symposium will explore the construction of women as virtuous agents in texts written by and for them during this period. This was time during which there were great political upheavals and setbacks for women, such as their exclusion from the succession in France but which also spawned the Reformation and /querelle des femmes/, and produced a number of significant texts which demonstrate women’s effective moral didacticism.

Our focus will be on works dedicated to women or written for their edification, such as devotional texts and manuals for princesses, as well as ethical and didactic works written by women such as Marguerite Porete, Christine de Pizan, Laura Cereta, Vitoria Colonna, Gabrielle Bourbon, Marguerite of Navarre, etc. Writing during a period when contemplative spirituality vied with more classical representations of active virtue, and against the background of Aristotelian and biblical representations of women as defective males and as particularly susceptible to vice, the above women adopted various strategies of self-authorization. We are particularly interested in exploring the continuities and discontinuities between women’s texts, and in women’s understanding of the good life for women and men, as well as the differences, if any, between female and male authored texts. We also invite the discussion of Platonic, Stoic, Epicurean, Aristotelian and monastic conceptions of virtue in women’s self-representation as
virtuous subjects.

Could those interested in contributing to this stream indicate their interest as soon as possible and no later than 1st July 2008 to A 500 word abstract will be required by 20th August 2008.

A published volume on the topic is proposed. Contributors who are unable to attend the Hobart Conference, but would like to contribute a paper to the volume are invited to submit papers for consideration by December 15th 2008.

Convenors: Janice Pinder, Constant Mews and Karen Green.

Augustine Again: "After Augustine. A Survey of His Reception from 430 to 2000"

The St. Andrews School of Classics is currently managing a complex research project dealing with St. Augustine's reception from 430 to 2000.

More details:

Platonic Colloquia, IX (2008), Phaedrus

The conference will take place in the Kłodzka Valley in OCTOBER 2008. The papers should be submitted in one of the following languages: English, German, Polish. They will be qualified the ground of the abstracts. Papers written in Polish should be accompanied by the abstract translated into another language, preferably English. The texts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The abstracts should be sent no later than 30th April 2008. All participants will be notified by mail and e-mail before 31th May 2008. The registration fee is 350 PLN (about 80€).

The abstracts please send to:
Dr. Artur Pacewicz
University of Wroclaw
Institute of Philosophy
ul. Koszarowa 3
51-149 Wrocław

New Augustinian Sermons Found

"Four entirely new sermons and two up to now only partly known sermons were recently discovered by I. Schiller, D. Weber und C. Weidmann (scholars at the CSEL / Vienna); the new texts are preserved in a 12th century manuscript in the Bibliotheca Amploniana (Erfurt, Germany). The codex, probably written in England, transmits approximately 70 sermons of Caesarius, Pseudo-Chrysostom, Augustine, the Venerable Bede and others. [...]

Three of the new Erfurt sermons deal with aspects of charity and almsgiving (Erfurt 2, 3, 4). Two others were delivered at feasts of martyrs: Erfurt 1 is on Perpetua and Felicitas, Erfurt 6 (probably incomplete) on Cyprian. One sermon deals with resurrection (Erfurt 5).

The new texts will be edited in two parts: Erfurt 1, 5, and 6 in Wiener Studien 121 (2008), Erfurt 2, 3, and 4 in Wiener Studien 122 (2009).


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Oxford Plutarch Conference

Oxford Plutarch Conference
14-15 July 2008

Plutarch and Philosophy- scholarship and/or dilettantism?

Plutarch quite possibly would have wanted to be remembered as a
philosopher or teacher of philosophy. Yet it is his monumental Lives of
Greek and Roman statesmen that, for the most part, have lent him a
standing reputation through the centuries. Plutarch’s philosophical side
remained more or less in the shadow of his moralist biographies partly, it
seems, because of its dilettante and popularised appearance and partly
because of its sometimes mystical obscurity. Fortunately, this no longer
seems to be the case: in the last few decades there has been a growing
interest in, and appreciation of, Plutarch as a philosopher-scholar. The
conference on ‘Plutarch and Philosophy’ seeks to appraise the changing
tide in the approaches to Plutarch’s philosophical activity and move the
debate forward, by bringing together international scholars with expertise
on different aspects of Plutarch’s oeuvre.

Keynote Address: Professor Donald Russell (Emeritus Professor, University
of Oxford

Speakers: Prof. Keimpe Algra (Utrecht), Dr Mauro Bonazzi (Milan), Prof.
Frederick Brenk (Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome), Prof. John Dillon
(Trinity College Dublin), Prof. Heinz Gerd Ingenkamp (Bonn), Prof. Judith
Mossman (Nottingham), Prof. Jan Opsomer (Cologne), Prof. Chris Pelling
(Oxford), Prof. Aurelio Pérez Jiménez (Málaga), Prof. Luc van der Stockt
(Leuven), Prof. Frances Titchener (Utah State University), Dr James Warren

Conference Organiser: Dr Eleni Kechagia (Keble College, Oxford)

Venue: Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles,



The Conference is funded by: the John Fell OUP Fund, the Hellenic Society,
the Classical Association and the Faculty of Classics, University of

Friday, April 04, 2008

2 New Conferences and one important research resource

Medieval Relativism and its Legacy, 1230-1450
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Paris, June 5-7, 2008

- x -

Translating the Middle Ages
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana (IL), October 28-29, 2008

- x -

Inter Libros
"Inter Libros is an interactive research guide for classics and medieval studies research, created by Harvard College librarians in collaboration with Harvard faculty and departments."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Istoria filosofiei romanesti: Dictionarul de filosofi romani

In urma cu vreo 7, 8 ani, profesorul M. Balan de la Facultatea de Filosofie din Bucuresti avea initiativa realizarii unui Dictionar de filosofi romani dupa standarde din lumea academica anglo-saxona. Desi multi dintre cei selectati s-au aratat foarte interesati de anumiti autori, rezultatele au fost, intr-o oarecare masura, timide. Foarte putini, mult prea putini, dintre cei care isi asumasera o astfel de sarcina au mers sa desfasoare prima etapa la Biblioteca Academiei, i.e., etapa cercetarii cantitative.

Intentia editorului cu privire la rezultatele cercetarii cantitative, si la intocmirea careia a concurat si Ioan Lucian Muntean (pe atunci, asistent la aceeasi institutie), era aceea de a realiza o baza de date electronica la care sa aiba acces toti cei care lucrau la dictionar si, mai tarziu, oricine ar fi dorit sa se dedice istoriei filosofiei romanesti. Respectiva baza de date capatase un oarecare contur pana la momentul in care proiectul a fost abandonat.

Dupa nu foarte mult timp, am aflat intamplator ca Institutul de Filosofie al Academiei Romane incepuse un proiect similar cu informatii si material de la cativa dintre cei care lucrasera la proiectul dlui Balan. Dar nu asta m-a uimit cel mai tare, ci faptul ca indivizii care inainte de '89 se ocupasera de "materialism dialectic" aveau acum pretentia de a intreprinde in mod exclusiv un astfel de proiect. Evident ca pe langa acestia se aciuasera si cativa tineri, dar dezamagirea era legata de personajele care isi faceau veacu' -- si sa nu-si faca nimeni iluzii ca nu se mai perinda si acum -- pe la Institutul de Filosofie. Aproape toti acesti indivizi nu au avut niciodata nimic in comun cu filosofia, cu exceptia faptului ca aveau o 'origine sociala buna'. Iar acum, comportamentul lor neschimbat reclama exclusivitate asupra proiectului. In felul acesta, usa Bibliotecii Academiei Romane, la momentul respectiv controlata in mod direct de directorul institutiei,* s-a ferecat bine pentru cei mai tineri, care nu erau cadre didactice sau cercetatori angajati la Institutul de Filosofie.

Insa nu as cadea in extrema lui Liiceanu si sa spun ca acesti indivizi ar trebui sa se retraga din viata publica, sa-si faca bagajele si sa elibereze Institutul. Nu, nu. Cred ca o astfel de viziune e la fel de bolnava -- asa cum spunea profesorul A.-P. Iliescu in recenta scrisoare deschisa catre persoana tocmai mentionata -- ca si cea profesata de legionarii care doreau epurarea universitatilor de profesorii evrei sau cea a comunistilor care au trimis inlectualii romani la Canal. Mai degraba avem nevoie de dialog si nu de exclusivisme, avem nevoie de comunicare si nu de dialoguri ale surzilor. Avem nevoie de receptare si recenzare critica, avem nevoie de inclestari pe argumente si nu pe istorii personale. Iar "clubul de la Academie", la fel ca si cel de la "Universitate", nu este dispus nici la colaborare, nici la dialog.
Insuficienta cea mai mare pe care am resimtit-o toti cei care am lucrat la proiectul dlui Balan a fost legata de lipsa instrumentelor (bibliografii si biografii, dictionare si indexuri). Nici astazi nu ne putem lauda ca avem instrumente, mai ales ca piata de carte nu ar putea sustine nici macar un tiraj de 50 de exemplare.

Apoi, nu poti sa pornesti un astfel de proiect cu persoane care sunt doar accidental sau insuficient legate de preocupari inspre un "filosof" roman sau altul. Este nevoie de o anumita expertiza pentru a scrie 15 randuri despre ontologia lui Noica, expertiza ce se obtine prin studiu indelungat si publicatii consistente pe aceasta tema. Nu oricine poate realiza un articol de dictionar, nu orice profesor de filosofie sau cercetator de la Institut are capacitatea de a scrie intr-o anumita maniera (concis, argumentat, explicit formulat, intr-o limita anume de cuvinte etc.). Poate de aceea a esuat proiectul initial, poate de aceea a esuat si proiectul Academiei. Nu am avut un spirit critic indeajuns de puternic pentru a ne vedea limitele. Sper sincer sa nu fie si cazul proiectului "Enciclopediei On-line a Filosofiei Romanesti".

* Imi amintesc cum am fost introdus de secretara in cabinetul directorului, o camera slab iluminata si dominata de mobilierul vechi, din lemn masiv, si am fost luat la intrebari cu privire la scopul cererii de a obtine permis de cititor. Dupa ce am fost mustruluit bine pe tema insuficientei mele maturizari (aveam vreo 22 de ani) si impertinentei mele juvenile (la refuzul obscen pe care mi l-a transmis i-am replicat ca e un securist care traieste bine mersi pe spinarea contribuabililor - o tema mai veche: daca Biblioteca Academiei Romane este publica sau nu de vreme ce Academia Romana este institutie publica), secretara s-a induiosat de mine si mi-a semnat ea in locul directorului.

Revista de filosofie (Bucuresti, 1907-1943). Indice bibliografic de Martin Bodinger; B.C.U. "Mihai Eminescu", Iasi, 1975.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Doctor Virtualis

Today, I discovered a new on-line journal for the history of medieval philosophy: "Doctor Virtualis. Rivista online di storia della filosofia medievale". Although I cannot make any comments on the quality of the papers present there (because I didn't have the time to read any materials), I want to mention four articles that caught my attention:

O incercare de a recupera un roman: Benjamin Fondane

Sunt foarte putini romanii care stiu cine a fost Benjamin Fondane. Revista "Observator Cultural" incearca in numarul 153/2008 sa-l restituie pe acest 'exilat' (in fapt, expatriat) al culturii romane cititorilor sai. Din cate inteleg, este vorba de un proiect intitulat chiar Restitutio Benjamin Fondane, care ar urma sa sprijine publicarea in limba romana a scrierilor lui Fondane.

Pentru a afla mai multe despre Benjamin Fondane, puteti consulta Wikipedia in limba romana aici.
(N. 14 noiembrie 1898, Iasi; M. 2/3 octombrie 1944, Auschwitz-Birkenau)

rondel de toamna

iti plange toamna in priviri
si-ti moare lenes la fereastra
in odaita ta albastra
privesti bolnavii trandafiri

tu stai pe ganduri si te miri
frumoasa pasare sihastra
iti plange toamna in priviri
si-ti moare lenes la fereastra

in cripta sfintelor iubiri
te poarta lin iubirea noastra
si te-ofilesti precum in glastra
se sting bolnavii trandafiri
iti plange toamna in priviri

[Preluat de pe]

  • Gabriella Farina, Benjamin Fondane e le gouffre; Artemide, Roma, 2003.
  • Michel Carassou, Benjamin Fondane: Selective Bibliography; in "Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature", vol. 6, 1994, nr. 1, pp. 119-122.
  • Arta Lucesco, Rediscovering Benjamin Fondane; Peter Lang, 2003.
Intamplator aflu ca exista si o Société d'études Benjamin Fondane.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Revista de Filosofie Analitica

Luni, 28 ianuarie 2008, Societatea Romana de Filosofie Analitica lanseaza oficial Revista de Filosofie Analitica.

Cuprinsul vol. I, 2007, nr. 1:


Ilie PÂRVU, Tradiţii ale filosofiei analitice în România

Marin BĂLAN, Filosofia analitică şi filosofia medievală

Christopher KIRWAN, Forma demonstraţiei lui Mill
din capitolul IV al lucrării

Mircea DUMITRU, Obiecte ficţionale şi descripţii libere

Constantin STOENESCU, Cine a ucis pozitivismul logic?
Dosarul unui autodenunţ: Karl R. Popper

Valentin MUREŞAN, Este etica aplicată o aplicare a eticii?

Cristian DUCU, Argumentele lui J.S. Mill pentru principiul


Mircea Flonta: “Filosofia analitică m-a impresionat prin
autenticitate …”


Pentru autor

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Book: Proceedings of the Intl. Conf. "J.S. Mill. 1806-2006"

Valentin Muresan, Cristian Ducu (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference “John Stuart Mill. 1806-2006”, University of Bucharest, November 3-4, 2006; University of Bucharest Press, Bucharest, 2007, 315 pp. ISBN: 978-973-737-412-7.

This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the “John Stuart Mill. 1806-2006” International Conference held at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, between 3-4 November 2008. An electronic version will be available on-line at the end of January 2008.


Editors’ Note

J.R. Lucas, Can the Theory of Games Save Mill’s “Utilitarianism”?

Christopher Kirwan, The Shape of Mill’s Proof in Chapter 4 of “Utilitarianism”

Valentin Muresan, A Sympathetic Approach to Mill’s ‘Proof’

John Skorupski, Liberalism as Free Thought

Rob Devigne, J.S. Mill and the Politics of Liberty and Wisdom

George Schedler, A Conflict in “On Liberty

Adrian-Paul Iliescu, J.S. Mill’s Views on Democracy: Are They Still Valid?

Cristian Ducu, J.S. Mill’s Arguments for Non-Intervention

Eldon Eisenach, Migrations of ‘Spirit’ in Mill’s Theory of History

Peter Cave, Sex Objects: Subjections, Objections and Fictions – all Grist to his Mill

Dimitris Sotiropoulos, J.S. Mill in the History of Economic Thought: should he be regarded as a neoclassical economist?

Dragan Stoianovici, On Mill’s Philosophy of the Syllogism

Sorin Costreie, Proper Names: Mill, Russell and Frege

About Contributors

Thursday, January 03, 2008

100% aiureli -- cu Dan Puric si Robert Turcescu

Zilele trecute, postul de televiziune Realitatea a difuzat emisiunea "100%" gazduita de Robert Turcescu si avand in postura de invitat pe actorul Dan Puric. Titlul acestui episod a fost "Romania lui Dan Puric" si a constituit un monolog de circa o ora despre starea actuala a lumii romanesti si rostul romanilor in lumea europeana. Ceea ce m-a interesat pe mine a fost sa vad -- pentru ca aveam o oarecare idee despre ce crede si balmajeste Dan Puric -- cum, aiurind in fraze frumos aranjate idei teologice (cu precadere teologice) cu diverse lucruri despre fizica atomica, matematica, filosofie, el vrea sa identifice si sa explice esenta "romanismului". Fara sa exagerez impresia pe care mi-a lasat-o emisiunea respectiva, am pierdut timpul ca sa inteleg tipul de "mesianism" promovat de Dan Puric, un "mesianism" imbracat intr-o haina noiciana. Pentru a ilustra acest mesianism ciudat si desantat redau aici cateva propozitii rostite de D.P.: "trairea mistica e sa vezi prin si peste"; "il alungam pe Dumnezeu din timpul nostru"; "poporul roman are ascendentul tacerii [...] taci si spui [...]"; "nu trebuie sa ne canalizam pe imaginea noastra in lume ci pe icoana lui Dumnezeu"; "nu are Rusia atatia sfinti cati a dat Romania"; "trebuie recrestinata prin marturisire si clasa politica".