Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics '09 [CFP]

"Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools"
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest
October 30-31, 2009

We are delighted to invite you at the 2nd edition of the BUCHAREST CONFERENCE IN APPLIED ETHICS, 2009. The event will be hosted by the Faculty of Bucharest, University of Bucharest, during October 30-31, 2009.

The BCAE has been developed as a debate platform, where theorists and practicians meet together and discuss the most important topics in the fields of Applied Ethics. The main aim of these conferences is the advancement of significant solutions for the real world.

This year topic, "Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools", reflects the growing interest in institutionalizing ethics. And though there has been some discussions on the role of ethics committees or on the function of some other ethical tools (especially, ethics training and social audit) -- mainly in the form of academic papers --, we consider that the debate is insufficient and too localized. In practice, the theoretical developments are rarely taken into consideration (e.g., in Southern and Eastern Europe, ethics committees function as 'intuitive' bodies, where decision is influenced more by its members' biases, while the Northern European pattern depends heavily on procedures).

Our aim is to bring into light those aspects that can make the ethics tools really work. The ethics committees and the codes of ethics are not individual tools; so we hope to see them working together in integrated ethics (and compliance) frameworks or management systems.

The conference organizers are looking for papers that consider either the integrative model or individual tools. The later approach may discuss topics such as:

* the ethics committees and their role in developing effective policies;
* codes of ethics: typology, role, structure;
* ethics (and compliance) trainings;
* ethics audit, social audit, CSR reporting;
* ethics (and compliance) policies;
* awareness programs;
* other ethical tools.

Early submissions are highly encouraged. This way, the prospective participants may receive the acceptance letters faster.

Prospective participants must send final papers to the conference organizers by September 10, 2009. All papers will circulate before conference and will be temporarily published on the official website. After the conference, the papers will be published in the BCAE Proceedings.

Official language is English, but there will be a Romanian speaking panel.

All papers must observe the editorial guidelines and must be prepared for blind-review (one Word file containing the title, author's name, and an English 200-words abstract + a separate Word file containing the title, the abstract and the paper).

There is no participation fee.

For general inquiries, all correspondence should be sent to:
bcae /AT/ bcae / DOT/ ro.

The BCAE official website:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cercetarea in Romania

Declaratia unuia dintre membrii echipei de informaticieni SYTECH, care a castigat Imagine Cup de anul acesta, ar trebui sa-i puna pe ganduri pe guvernantii nostri. Din pacate, traim intr-o tara condusa de indivizi care nu vad decat propriul interes si nu vor face nimic pentru welfare-ul general.

Citez declaratia data Evenimentului Zilei:
“O să fim proprii noştri şefi, intenţionăm să dezvoltăm o firmă care să lucreze numai cu guvernele mai multor ţări, să vindem diverse platforme create de noi. Vrem să deschidem o firmă într-un paradis fiscal şi sperăm să fim şi proprii noştri impresari şi manageri. Aici am primit mai mult strângeri de mână, avem câţiva oameni cărora le suntem recunoscători, dar nu cred că vom rămâne în ţară."

Monday, June 29, 2009

Iarasi despre plagiat

Revin dupa ceva timp de absenta doar ca sa semnalez o recenzie la un volum care plagiaza o lucrare de licenta sustinuta la Babes-Bolyai in 2004. Recenzia este semnata de Alexander Baumgarten si a aparut numarul din Mai 2009 al revistei "Dilematica". Aici veti gasi integral recenzia la "Toleranta in filosofia lockeeana", publicata sub egida necunoscutei edituri "Realitatea Romaneasca" in 2006.

Citind comentariul din "Dilematica", nu pot sa nu remarc tripla asociere a autorului cartii incriminate: Stefan Nemecsek, <<master al Facultatii de Filosofie si Jurnalism [de la Universitatea Spiru Haret], doctorand al Institutului de Filosofie si Psihologie "Constantin Radulescu-Motru" [al Academiei Romane], doctorand al Facultatii de Filologie si Istorie a Universitatii "1 Decembrie 1918" din Alba Iulia.>>

Nu vi se pare culmea ca tripla asociere se face numai prin institutii care de-a lungul anilor au atras doar indivizii eliminati pe motive de competenta din universitatile de stat?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

My new website is up and ready. You may learn more about my work by visiting

Friday, May 15, 2009

CSR Training / Training RSC

Smart Solutions & Support, Romania, a inceput inscrierile pentru programul de training CSR Workshops '09, dedicat celor interesati de CSR (responsabilitate sociala corporativa). Toti cei care se vor inscrie in luna mai vor beneficia de o reducere de 50% din pretul de catalog pentru seriile din Bucuresti. Intra pe site-ul programului CSR Workshops '09 si afla mai multe detalii.

Smart Solutions & Support, Romania, has begun the registration process for the CSR Workshops '09. This program is dedicated to all those interested in CSR (corporate social responsibility). Those registring for the training in May 2009 will benefit of a 50% discount from the catalog price for the training series taking place in Bucharest, Romania. Visit now the official website of CSR Workshops '09 and learn more about them.

Site-ul oficial / Official website:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Manufacturing Happiness: Investigating Subjectivity, Transformation, and Cultural Capital


Manufacturing Happiness: Investigating Subjectivity, Transformation,
and Cultural Capital

The Graduate Students of George Mason University invite paper proposals
for our 4th Annual Cultural Studies Conference. The Conference will
take place on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at George Mason University
in Fairfax, Virginia.

This conference considers practices, institutions, and products that
promise happiness, in a sense of inducing “the good life,” typically
expressed as self-realization or finding one’s purpose—borrowing
Agamben’s term, subjective technologies that have a specific
relationship to social and political forces. How do practices designed
or claimed for such diverse purposes as personal stress management,
recovering from colonization, parenting, global conglomeration, and
corporate development work? What kinds of transformations do they
bring, in terms of personality, power, and communitas? And what becomes
of the living cultural traditions from which these practices are
abstracted, as in the care of the psychotherapeutic practice of
“western Buddhism,” which Zizek claims is the “hegemonic ideology par
excellance of late capitalism?” From the transmission of packaged
idealisms and practices with a putative relationship to traditional
sources to the commodified transactions for services and goods, the
conference organizers seeks papers that investigate the growing cultural
industries, both global and local, devoted to manufacturing happiness.

The wide-ranging contexts for our investigation include, but are not
limited to: the social positions within the family, home, workplace,
community, or nation-state; geographical and global considerations of
institutional development and affiliation; the political economy of
corporate training models; cultural capital and legitimation; media and
mediation (print, television, DVD, Internet, radio, etc.); religious
connections and origins; the confirmation and construction of
identities (gender, physical, class, spiritual, national, sexual, and
race) in social or political realms; and the rise and intensity of
ecological subjectivities.

• Integral Institute, Integral Naked, and Ken Wilber
• est Training
• Shambhala Training
• Eckhardt Tolle and Oprah’s Book Club
• Weight loss and Constructing Beauty
• The “Human Potential” Movement
• The Zen Alarm Clock
• The Secret
• Hollywood Kabballah Centre
• Transpersonal Psychology
• The “Self-Help” Industry
• Magazines such as What Is Enlightenment?

Please e-mail a 500-word abstract of your presentation along with a
short CV to Michael Lecker ( no later than June 15,

G.E.M. Anscombe Bibliography

Bibliography of the British philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe (1919-2001)

IX Symposium Platonicum

IX Symposium Platonicum in Tokyo in 2010

(1) General information
The IX Symposium Platonicum will be held at the Mita Campus of Keio
University (2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo). Please note that the IPS
Tokyo office is located at another campus, i.e. Notomi’s Office in Hiyoshi
Campus, while the Mita Campus is in central Tokyo. The dates are 2-7
August, 2010. The registration and hotel booking will start in mid
January 2010, about which the information will be circulated late this
The topic of the Symposium is the “Republic”, and the program will follow
the custom of the past symposia; the sessions are held from the afternoon
of Monday to the morning of Saturday, with one afternoon for excursion (a
Tokyo City Trip). The General Assembly will be held on one late afternoon
(probably Thursday). The TOC is inviting, as guest speakers, Mario
Vegetti (Pavia), Gerald Boter (Amsterdam), and Myles Burnyeat (Cambridge).

(2) Call for papers
The deadlines and other conditions for the submission of abstracts of
proposed papers were fixed at the mid-term meeting of the Executive
Submissions are received between 14 September, Monday, and 16 October,
Friday. Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words in length
(including bibliography, if any); applicants should indicate preference
between the “shorter” paper (presentation of 20 minutes) for the
“Parallel” session and the “longer” paper (of 40 minutes) for the
“Plenary/Panel” sessions. The Executive Committee will establish two
Panels on the general topics of the “Republic”, for which three papers for
each (total six) are selected out of the “longer papers”.
Judging from the previous symposia, a larger number of papers may be
submitted than we can accommodate. In that case, the evaluation by the
Executive Committee will become crucial, so we advise all applicants to
write abstracts clearly and carefully.
The privilege of submitting papers is confined to paid-up members of the
Society: each member can submit one abstract, written in any of the five
official languages. The author’s information (contact address, e-mail
address, fax, and affiliation) should be attached to the abstract (not
included in the word limit).
The abstract can be submitted through the “IPS 2010” conference website
(to start in summer; it will be indicated on the site how to submit the
file), or sent to the following e-mail address / fax / postal address of
the IPS Tokyo Office at Keio.
Fax: +81-(0)45-566-1102 (addressed to Notomi at Keio University)
Postal Address: IPS Tokyo Organizing Committee,c/o Noburu Notomi, Faculty
of Letters, Keio University, 4-1-1, Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama,
223-8521, Japan

We will acknowledge the receipt by e-mail or surface mail (the latter only
for those who do not use e-mail), so if you do not receive any response
over a week, please contact the TOC ( /

All papers will be evaluated by the Executive Committee in the last two
months of 2009, and notifications will be sent out early in January 2010.
Those whose abstracts are accepted for presentation are next requested to
submit enlarged abstracts in two languages (e.g. German & English, Italian
& French) by mid April. Full papers should be sent to the TOC by June
2010, to be posted on the website in the “pdf” file for “download”.

(3) Election of new Regional Representatives, and choice of venue for the
2016 Symposium
Two members of the committee, François Renaud (representing North
America) and Álvaro Vallejo Campos (one of the two members
representing Europe) are due to retire in 2010, and must be replaced. The
other regional representatives will be re-elected automatically unless
other candidates are nominated. The election will be held at the General
Assembly in the Tokyo Symposium, and nominations, signed by at least two
members in good standing, may be sent to the TOC by the end of June 2010.
Proposals are also invited for a venue for the meeting of 2016, after the
X Symposium Platonicum in Pisa in 2013. Statements of willingness to host
such a meeting should be submitted to the TOC with the details of the
venue proposed and the expected degree of support, by the end of March
2010. The proposal(s) will be circulated well in advance, and the venue
will be decided, in accordance with the Statutes, by a vote of the members
present at the General Assembly.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

First Annual Dutch Conference in Practical Philosophy, 2-3 Oct 09

The Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy (Onderzoekschool Ethiek) is pleased to announce the first Annual Dutch Conference in Practical Philosophy, which will be held on 2-3 October in conference centre Zonheuvel, in Doorn, the Netherlands.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Ethics & Compliance Officer training program

4 more places available for the Ethics & Compliance Officer training program, ECO#82 Series (February 13 - April 4, 2009). Apply now and get a 30% discount. You will also benefit of a special waiver for the CECO Certification Exam.

The participants to the ECO#82 Series (March 13 - April 4, 2009) are coming from companies such as Pfizer Romania, Unicredit Tiriac Bank, Banca Transilvania, BCR Erste etc.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cicero rewriting Plato: three exploratory seminars

The Durham Centre for the Study of the Classical Tradition ( is in the early stage of developing a research project tentatively entitled ŒCiceroniani sumus: the influence of Cicero on the cultural imaginary of the West¹. A central theme here is Cicero¹s role in mediating and transforming Greek philosophy, not least through his translations and adaptations of Plato. As a first sounding of this territory, the Centre will sponsor three exploratory seminars in Epiphany term 2009 that will look at Cicero¹s engagement with Plato in the de Republica:

Seminar 1: Cicero, de Republica 1.65-67 ~ Plato, Politeia 8. 562c - 563c.

Seminar 2: Cicero, de Republica 3.27 ~ Plato, Politeia 2.360e - 362b.

Seminar 3: Cicero, de Republica 6.26-29 ~ Plato, Phaidros 245cff.

The seminars are open to all. Indeed, an analysis of Cicero¹s reception of Plato should ideally draw on expertise in an unusually wide range of areas within the field: ancient Greek, Greek philosophy, Latin, Roman history, and political theory, among others. The seminars are designed to bring together experts in all of these areas, in what we hope will be a mutually illuminating conversation. We shall work with the original texts, but also translations, and, even though we shall be discussing points arising from the Greek and the Latin, there is no expectation that participants have these languages.

Dates and times:

Seminar 1: Friday, 6 February, 1 - 2.30 pm
Seminar 2: Friday, 27 February, 1 - 2.30 pm
Seminar 3: Friday, 13 March, 1 - 2.30 pm

If you are interested in joining, please contact either Louise Hodgson
( or Ingo Gildenhard (

We shall distribute readings (original texts, translations, commentaries) to all participants early next week.

Louise Hodgson
Ingo Gildenhard