Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm back!

It has been quite some time since my last comment on this blog. Meanwhile, I have stopped making money for other people and I have started my own company, i.e. SMART SOLUTIONS & SUPPORT. I have also returned to my interests: ancient & medieval philosophy, paleography, moral philosophy & its applications (i.e. applied ethics).
New research materials can be found on my website (see "Research Resources"). Please, observe the copyright notes before using the materials. The author/owner of is not responsible for the illegal use of those materials. They are available there only for my personal use and for my colleagues. This is why I have decided to protect that web area with a username and a password.
Right now, I am working on Pierre Mandonnet's Siger de Brabant et l'averroisme latin au XIIIe siecle. Etudes critique et documents inedits. I hope to post an electronic version of this book by the end of February 2007. The electronic version will consist in a PDF file containing images of each page of the book.
Charles H. Lohr's Renaissance Latin Aristotle's Commentaries article series is also available. Can anyone provide me information on a similar list for the medieval Latin or Greek Aristotle's commentaries? I am trying to determine how many commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics have been written during the 13th century (before and after Thomas Aquinas' Sententiae libri Ethicorum.

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